Coloured belts in judo arrived in France in 1930 with Mikinosuke Kawaishi.
Also known as Kyu, the coloured belts represent the progression of a judoka. Originally, there were only 2 colors of judo belt: white and black.
Today, the different colour belts in judo are white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black.
When you are belt black belt in judo, you’re said to have a1st Dan black belt. There are 10 Dan in judo. From1st Dan to 5th Dan, we have a black belt. Then when you’re a 6th, 7th or 8th Dan, you get a white and red belt. Judokas with 9th or 10th dan have a red belt.

But you may be wondering what you need to know to pass your judo belts?
What do you need to know to become a white belt in judo?
The white belt is the first belt you get in judo. It is the beginner’s belt. You wear it when you start judo. When you have a white belt, you will learn how to do backward and forward falls. You will also start to learn standing and ground techniques.
Would you like a Fighting Films white belt? You can find it on our website, when you buy a Fighting Films HAJIME judo kimono or a Fighting Films RED LABEL kimono.
Ceinture blanche de judo
Faites vos premiers pas sur le tatami avec votre ceinture blanche de judo Fighting Films. Apprenez les bases du judo, peu importe votre âge et débutez cette grande aventure ! Rigides et légères, vous pourrez apprendre à faire vos noeuds de ceinture en toute simplicité.
What do you need to know to become a yellow belt in judo?
The yellow belt is the first belt you receive after the white belt. To obtain the yellow belt, one must know how to do the front fall, the back fall and the side fall. You must also know standing techniques such as eri-otoshi, ko-soto-gake and ground techniques such as kuzure-gesa-gatame or kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame.
Would you like to know more about getting your yellow belt? Here is the yellow belt programme.
You’d like a yellow judo belt Fighting Films ? You can find it on our website and even have it embroidered with your name.
Ceinture jaune de judo
Avec votre ceinture jaune de judo Fighting Films, la deuxième phase de l’apprentissage du judo peut commencer. Améliorez votre technique, vos connaissances et votre maitrise de vous. Ceinture rigide disponible de la taille enfant à adulte.
What do you need to know to become an orange belt in judo?
The orange belt comes right after the yellow belt. To get your orange belt, you must be able to do the front, back and side fall. You must be able to react to dodges and blocks in a fight. You also need to know ground techniques like ushiro-gesa-gatame.
Would you like to know more about getting your orange belt? Here is the orange belt programme.
Would you like an orange belt in Fighting Films judo? You can find it on our website or have it embroidered with your name.
Ceinture orange de judo
Continuez votre apprentissage du judo avec la ceinture orange de judo Fighting Films ! Maitrisez des techniques de plus en plus complexes et prenez de la confiance sur le tatami ! Ceinture disponible de la taille enfant à la taille adulte.
What do you need to know to become a green belt in judo?
To get the green belt, you have to know how to fall. You must also know some sutemi-waza like tomoe nage. You must be able to do standing techniques like te guruma and ushiro goshi. In Ne waza, you must be able to do reversals when uke (your partner) is in your guard but also reversals when your partner is on the ground.
Would you like to know more about getting your green belt? Here is the green belt programme.
Would you like to have a green belt in Fighting Films judo? You can find it on our website or have it embroidered with your name.
Ceinture verte de judo
Découvrez la ceinture verte de judo Fighting Films. Avec cette ceinture rigide de qualité, effectuez des techniques de judo complexes et des longs randoris sans que le noeud de la ceinture se défasse. Disponible de la taille enfant à la taille adulte.
What do you need to know to become a blue belt in judo?
The blue belt comes after the green belt. To obtain it, you must know certain techniques in Te-waza like kata guruma, kuchiki daoshi, kibisu geishi, utsuri goshi. You must also be able to do sutemis waza like ura-nage, yoko guruma and sumi geishi. You also need to know chokes like sankaku jime.
Want to know more about getting your blue belt? Here is the blue belt programme.
Would you like to have a Fighting Films judo blue belt? You can find it on our website or have it embroidered with your name.
Ceinture bleue de judo
Continuez de développez vos compétences de judoka et montrer votre maitrise avec votre ceinture bleue de judo Fighting Films ! Ceinture disponible de la taille enfant à la taille adulte.
What do you need to know to become a brown belt in judo?
The brown belt is the last kyu belt. It is also the last belt that will be given by your teacher. It is the last step before the black belt. To obtain your brown belt, you must be able to perform the first three rounds of Nage No Kata. You must be able to do arm locks and some ground holds like makura-gesa-gatame.
Would you like to know more about getting your brown belt? Here is the program for the brown belt.
Would you like to have a brown belt in Fighting Films judo? You can find it on our website or have it embroidered with your name.
Ceinture marron de Judo approuvé IJF
Vous n’avez pas encore trouvé votre ceinture de judo ? Optez pour la Ceinture marron de Judo Fighting Films – Approuvé IJF ! Toutes nos ceintures de judo sont conformes aux normes officielles de l’IJF (International Judo Federation). Comme tous les modèles de ceinture de judo, cette ceinture est faite d’un noyau de coton semi-rigide avec de nombreuses surpiqûres bien alignées. L’ensemble…
What do you need to know to earn a black belt in judo?
The black belt is a big step in the life of a judoka. You can become a black belt from the age of 15. The passage of black belt is done in several stages in front of juries. The first step is to pass the katas, you must present the first three series of Nage No Kata. The second step is the technical part with a demonstration of technique in Ne Waza, Te Waza and Jujitsu. The third stage is the shiai, the judoka must obtain 5 consecutive victories by obtaining 44 or 50 points or obtain 100 points on several events. The last stage is the personal involvement of the judoka in the development of judo-jujitsu.
Find all the information on the official texts of the judo federation:
You’ve got your black belt and you’d like a black belt in Judo Fighting Films? You can find them on our website and have them embroidered with your name.
Ceinture noire de Judo Approuvé IJF
La Ceinture noire de Judo Fighting Films – Approuvé IJF, est un gage de qualité et une accessoire indispensable à la pratique du Judo. Cette ceinture a séduit de nombreux athlètes dans le monde entier. Toutes nos ceintures de judo sont conformes aux normes officielles de l’IJF (International Judo Federation).
The red belt in judo
You may need a red belt for competitions. Indeed, the first fighter called during a judo fight wears a red belt. It is useful for the referee so that he doesn’t get the wrong fighter when announcing the values during the fight.
Are you a competitor who would like a Fighting Films judo red belt? You can find our red belt on our website and have it embroidered with your name, so you won’t lose it in competition.
If you’re a competitive athlete, take a look at our range of judo kimonos to make sure you’re at the top of your game.
Ceinture rouge pour la compétition Fighting Films
Vous pratiquez la compétition mais n’avez pas votre ceinture rouge ? Optez pour la Ceinture rouge pour la compétition – Fighting Films. Comme tous les modèles de ceinture de judo, celui-ci est fait d’un noyau de coton semi-rigide avec de nombreuses surpiqûres bien alignées. L’ensemble est renforcé par une couche extérieure avec un mélange de coton et de soie. À…
Now that you know all about judo belts, find out how to choose the right size with our guide.
Visit our Paris store at 1 rue des Messageries, 75010 Paris, embroidery on site in less than 10 min.